Three Simple Things, Cooking with Massimo & Friends Part 1
Bread is Gold: Extraordinary Meals with Ordinary Ingredients
When a Cookbook calls you to contemplate more than just the food..........
Lets see what happens, 400 pages and approximately 170 recipes to discover
In truth, I have never tasted Panzenella. I may be nutty for Italian things but I have been oblivious to the wonders and intense flavours of this magical dish. At a time when tomatoes are laden and sun bathing on windowsills and a loaf of Pane di Casa is half eaten it was time. It made sense but in truth I wasn't that excited about it.
I was like okay, lets just make this, it’s in the book - Bread is Gold (Cooking Project I have committed to) I have the ingredients on hand, it is autumn and the tomatoes are finally good to go, it has been a frustrating summer for fruit of all kinds. Last spring the fruit trees were hit hard with a late frost and then the whole crazy fire season and up and down weather cycles did not proliferate in me picking many vegetables, well not for a while anyway.
Now however there are possibilities. This likely will not last long as cool mornings are with here now as I write this. And so I smashed up a piece of garlic, I pulled some tomatoes, a black Russian and some of the small cherry variety. I splashed some white vinegar on the torn bread I had placed in a bowl. I squeezed out some tomato juice mixed in the hearty olive oil and found some capers somewhere in the back of the fridge and voila some green sunshiny basil and we were good to go .
We had a fine bowl of salad and stale bread peasant style dish, a little ‘cucina povera’ for the taking. I poured a glass of ‘Vinology’ a cheap and cheerful wine I have discovered recently that prides itself on being organic, biodynamic and sustainable. I like that. I may not have some Chianti on hand but this little Mc Claren Vale number is a fine substitute no less.
If you were to take on such a project it is wise to do a few simple things first.
*Clean out the fridge and pantry
*Create a menu for the week ahead
*Write a detailed shopping list
This keeps things simple then, you only purchase what is necessary, you know what is in the fridge, what fresh things need topping up and things more importantly do not get wasted.......
It is obviously weird times and some of us have more than necessary due to the Big C-19 causing us to think about the possibilities of not leaving the house for a while........I have been in the strange head space wondering do I really need it, should I buy anyway?
I have stocked up on flour and baking goodies because that is what I like to do when we are all hanging about the house not because of ensuing health and social dramas. And taking notes from Italy more recently their grocery shops are still open regardless. So no need to go nuts just be discriminating and mindful I say.
‘Bread is Gold’ - Here we go, I wonder how far this will take me…
I am currently working on..........
Saving my parmesan rinds for autumn and winter soups
Enjoying the last of the yellow and white peaches
Praying that the figs on my tree will go dark and moody
Picking the last of the zucchinis and tomatoes
Making tomato sauce and storing in glass jars for winter preserves
Planting broad beans, also known as fava, they are a great way to put more nitrogen into the soil for future crops..
Clearing out the cherry tomato beds that sadly did not give me much this year
Finishing some abstract art on canvas I started a while back
Loving the roses in bloom in my garden, after the rain finally turned up it has turned into a cracker of an autumn and plus is great for decompressing from the crazy stuff happening in our world at the moment.
Richard has to finish the fence below for our new chicken and duck space in the orchard, giving the one up in the paddock a rest for now.