Episode 91: Universe I Trust You - With Roberta Mussato
Welcome to Episode #91:
What a privilege it is to talk to women and share their stories. Women lead such fascinating lives. I continually notice this, the fact they continue to expand themselves, push their limits and boundaries, to grow, and not except contraction as the norm, but lean into expansion rather, living and learning so much about themselves, and making things happen!! I love that.
Today I talk with Roberta Mussato about her book - Universe I Trust You: One Month in Sri Lanka
I wanted to share that I listened to Roberta’s book on Audible late last year, which I thoroughly enjoyed, she made me laugh a lot with her honesty and candid truth telling, and well everything else that was working or not working in her life. The big question is, can the worst of crisis be the turning point for a grand new chapter in your life? Yes, it appears, it definitely can.
Roberta was born in Treviso in the north of Italy, in the Veneto region. With a background as an Interpreter and Translator from Italian to English, most of her adult life has been lived in London. Roberta describes herself as a global citizen and loves to travel the world seeking and learning about people and places.
When Roberta took this three month journey, she had one main provision - to let the universe do the work. Her theory was to let go and let it all unfold in a natural way without expectations or demands. It’s a fun story and Roberta’s second book is currently being written as Roberta goes on to reflect on what happened next in India and then Nepal. These days she is a Life Coach and avid traveler and currently lives in London, in the United Kingdom.
We talk about writing journals (or diaries) on our travels, publishing, self publishing, solo adventures, the challenges of women’s lives and choice points along the way, and so much more. I loved listening to Roberta read two excerpts from her book at the end of this share, if you need a fun listen or a great read, this is a great travel and life adventure book about a fascinating woman making her way in the world at large.
“You have not a right, but a duty to be happy” - from the Podcast Conversation with Roberta Mussato
Universe I Trust You, One Month in Sri Lanka on Audible
Visit Roberta for her book and Life Coaching Sessions at Roberta Mussato
Roberta is happy to offer a 10% discount on her three months Coaching Package - Contact her on robertamussato@gmail.com and mention this offer…
Also she offers a 60 minute Coaching Session if you leave a review of her book on Audible or Amazon - just send a screenshot of your review and send it to robertamussato@gmail.com to seize this great offer…
Visit Roberta Mussato - A Fabulous New York Moment!!
Roby describes having a journal to write in as ‘vital’ on the travel journey - little did she know back then that this record of the experience of traveling Sri Lanka, Nepal and India would provide her with the research necessary to write her books based on her personal experiences of traveling three months solo….
I too, value a journal and have discovered these thin Moleskine journals are fantastic, they are not heavy and when I have filled one I go onto the next, instead of lugging a large journal around on my day adventures I take this slim one, they come in a three pack, which are excellent for traveling light and I always take them in my carry on luggage, that way they are never lost or mishandled…
Moleskine - Cahier Notebook - Set of 3 - Ruled Pages