Episode 17: Bringing Italy Home - Part 2 - Accordions, Mothers, Second Chances, Culture, Tradition and there’s Always Italy......From the Armchair at Home

Welcome to Episode #17:  Bringing Italy Home.. This is a second dose of possibilities of an Italian kind.  Over the past few weeks I have been wandering into old books and new ones, and have felt delighted at sitting down to watch the documentaries Made in Italy, Franca: Chaos and Creation and my favourite Italian film I practically had to go on a pilgrimage to get my hands on.  It turns out that E-bay came up with the goods in the end....I was so happy because for ages I have wanted to watch Bread and Tulips, the Italian film that one many Italian Academy Awards back in early 2000.  I just love the characters and certainly the back drop of Venice is wonderful...

Since we are in the middle of a large adjustment around travel it is great that we can tap into film and books like Always Italy to feed the muse in the meantime.  As I said in the last blog, they teach and open one to the beauty of a place.  Let that transport you for now.

Siena Tuscany / Michelle Johnston

Siena Tuscany / Michelle Johnston


A Month in Siena by Hisham Matar

A Writer in Italy:  Episode 8: Siena, “The Bees, you don’t bother them, they won’t bother you” (Stealing Beauty, film)  - Reference to “A day like no other”

In Other Words by Jhumpa Lahari

A Table in Venice:  by Skye McAlpine - Reference to cook books in my dreams comment..... 

See You in the Piazza: New Places to Discover in Italy by Frances Mayes

Always Italy: Frances Mayes with Ondine Cahane

Franca: Chaos and Creation  (2016) Screening on Netflix 


Made in Italy - Season 1 on SBS On Demand *in Australia
Caffe Sospeso - Coffee For All (2017) Screening on Netflix

Pane e Tulipani - Bread and Tulips, Film (2000)

Bread is Gold: Ordinary Meals with Extraordinary Ingredients by Massimo Bottura & Friends - See Episode14 - Food for Thought

Love this film, for a myriad of reasons

Love this film, for a myriad of reasons

Podcasts..... If you are interested in a little background detail: 

Library Talks:  Jhumpa Lahiri on Language and Disorder - Lahiri talks about nostalgia, expression and her love of the Italian Language 8 March 2016

Oprah Super Soul Conversations x Howard Schultz “Pouring Your Heart into Your Business”  14 September 2017

Goop: Gwyneth x Howard Schultz: On the Entrepreneur’s Dream

Always there are the books to keep you company in the middle of life’s give and take....

Always there are the books to keep you company in the middle of life’s give and take....

Stay Tuned for Family Adventures in Italy - Padova to Genova.....and then onto Paris, just a small share in the realm of possibilities

P.S  And I think I will read Enchanted April by Elizabeth von Armin again, I love listening to it on audio narrated by Nadia May.  Meet me in Liguria for the next grande vacanza……

Music Composed by Richard Johnston.

Music Composed by Richard Johnston.

Copyright 2021........... Michelle Johnston 

All Artwork and Podcast Material


Episode 18: Padova, Italy to Paris, France - The Family Trip...... Part 1


Episode 16: Bringing Italy Home - The Spirit of Place......Books and Movies to Enjoy