Episode 18: Padova, Italy to Paris, France - The Family Trip...... Part 1

Welcome to Episode #18:  Veneto, Italy

What a sweet thing to create this episode and share our family journey in Italy and France.  So grateful for a little Carpe Diem moment late 2018.  Tickets to Italy arriving in Milano Milpensa and the fast train to Padova in March 2019 was the beginning of a wonderful adventure.  Italy always inspires....the endless art, the architecture, the history, the grand cafes and the ambience of piazza life are all waiting there to be explored and savoured.

Padova is one of the seven provinces of the Veneto region of Italy and just a hop, skip and a jump away from the capital of the Veneto, Venice.  We begin our stay there and enjoy the ambience of this beautiful medieval city, taking in the wonders of the Scrovegni Chapel and the canals and layered history around every corner.

Cappella degli Scrovegni / Giotto’s finest work is in Padova / Michelle Johnston

Cappella degli Scrovegni / Giotto’s finest work is in Padova /

Michelle Johnston

Iris Origo: Marchesa of Val d’Orcia by Caroline Moorehead

War in Val d’Orcia: An Italian War Diary 1943-1944 by Iris Origo

Vagabonding by Rolf Potts 

Monty Don and his Italian Garden Series visits Padua in his Veneto /Northern Italy

The beauty of Padova / Michelle Johnston

The beauty of Padova / Michelle Johnston

Travel Thoughts and Possibilities....

In Padova/Padua... the Veneto Region.....Two hours from Milano via train or 50 minutes from Venice.

The Peddrochi Cafe and The Scrovegni Chapel to see Giotto’s Frescoes in Padua.......And the Museo Civico housing the beautiful artwork below.  The Basilica of St Anthony is a on the pilgrimage route too…. A wonderful Venetian city to get to know.

Italy always Inspires / Michelle Johnston

Italy always Inspires / Michelle Johnston

Music Composed by Richard Johnston.


"We are all pilgrims who seek Italy" - Goethe, Italian Journey

Copyright 2021........... Michelle Johnston 

All Artwork and Podcast Material


Episode 19: Venice and the Art of Travel....Padova to Paris - Part 2


Episode 17: Bringing Italy Home - Part 2 - Accordions, Mothers, Second Chances, Culture, Tradition and there’s Always Italy......From the Armchair at Home