Episode 02: Take the gun, Leave the cannoli or Buy a ticket to Italy, Take a Risk….Part 2

Five years ago I traveled to Italy to create space my writing and myself.  I traveled solo giving myself time to recalibrate after many years of parenting and life in general.   Leaving my husband to take care of the family I reconnected with my writing, my art and my love of travel.  The adventure turned into a book........... 

In The Shadow of a Cypress: An Italian Adventure

The Joy and Beauty of Piazza Navona in Roma / Michelle Johnston

The Joy and Beauty of Piazza Navona in Roma / Michelle Johnston

Welcome to A Writer in Italy Podcast.  

Firstly, when I visited Rome all I had was a map from the hotel I was staying in. I did not use a travel guide but then I had been reading Italia Magazine for years and fortunately there are many blue signs in Rome or perhaps I just enjoy being lost. This turned out to be the essence of my research because all I really wanted to do is eat a meal in front of the fabulous Piazza Navona fountains, which I did on arrival and funny enough have omitted from the book since I can barely remember the event. I do however recall the fact that I ate lasagna that sort of reminded me of something I would get out of a box at home in Australia. And also the delirium of happiness of walking up to the stairs and seeing the room I was to stay in on arrival............Oh yes, it is all coming back to me. I did walk to Saint Angelo across the Tiber..........I took some photos and that was that. It all felt very surreal, yet that is how it goes when you leave Australia and fly for 24 hours, everything is fuzzy but wonderful.

This Book Share and travel is admittedly rather a first draft situation and now is under some serious editing, but if you are open to a little haphazard podcast in its early stages, then enjoy. Forgive me for my no filter audio skills. Hopefully in time it will improve!

Piazza del Popolo / Michelle Johnston

Piazza del Popolo / Michelle Johnston


Under The Tuscan Sun - Film 2003 with Diane Lane
“You have to live spherically, in many directions.  Never lose your childish enthusiasm, and things will come your way”.  Original Fellini quote......

Pontremoli - perched gently between the regions of Tuscany and Liguria on the River Magra..........

La Bella Figura:  An Insiders Guide to the Italian Mind by Beppe Severgnini....where I discovered the comment about it being “unethical” to drink a cappuccino after 10am.......which still makes me laugh.


My House in Umbria - Film 2003 with Maggie Smith & Chris Cooper based on the book My House in Umbria

“I have a great talent for perseverance”.  Leading into Chapter 2 Orvieto.... I do enjoy the scenery in this film and Maggie Smith is brilliant as usual, and if anything if I could live a dream it would be to stay in the house and garden the film was created in for at least a month one European summer.....

Sidenote:  Watch: Francesco’s Italy Top to Toe: Francesco da Mosto explores the treasures and secrets of his homeland. 

I liked the little interview with Maggie Smith in Florence I think in Piazza della Repubblica, will perhaps have to go back and watch it again.  Maggie has had a great love affair with Italy too......

One of the reasons I love to see Italy is for the colours, nothing like the bounty of colour and beauty around every corner….

One of the reasons I love to see Italy is for the colours, nothing like the bounty of colour and beauty around every corner….

Copyright 2021........... Michelle Johnston 

All Artwork and Podcast Material


Episode 03: Orvieto: ‘I Have a great talent for perseverance’ My House in Umbria (film)


Episode 01: Take the gun, Leave the cannoli or Buy a ticket to Italy, Take a Risk….Part 1