Table For One

Then hunger did more than grief could do

Surrendering to something else, something bigger.  After all the misses I need to slow down.  Get into to step with myself, this works, I need to enjoy it all, allow.  I can hear a soliloquy of Bongiorno and Grazie mille, that makes this moment a sweet thing it really does.

I am sitting at The Italian Place in Braddon, I may have the back corner, but I am dining alone and space is at a premium (the rules of covid....)

Olive oil on my fingers, olive oil on the page.  Sweet, spicy, salty, needing to remember.  This is going to be a new tradition, restaurants..... reminders.  Tradition is a big word, is it true to me, do I have them? Am I hungry for it?  Am l searching for my own?

I have told myself go out, make time.  You don’t need a companion, not today.  I am really heart broken at the state of affairs not being able to go to Italy or the Midi right now or near future feels like the rug pulled out from underneath our feet, or my feet.  Hmm, to step into a new possibility, I guess it will have to wait.

So how do I hit refresh? The architecture, the art, the people, the places always excite me, refresh everything.  Something feels very right there....I need to feel it here too. I need to search.  I will start here, “table for one, yes please”.  I can open to that, there is food and wine to transport me and that will just have to do. A journal at my table, rules for the solo table, go prepared.

Cotechini with lentils and Salse Verde, a glass of Sicilian wine Nerello Mascalese - the Waiters suggestion. Bruschetta with tomato and a little bocconcini - I like. A little sparkling mineral water, all reminds, completes, keeps me steady. 

Thank you Tony, Thank you Life.

MJ xx

Enjoy checking out their mix of local and Italian wines on display….so many to choose from next door at the Italian Providore & Bottega

Enjoy checking out their mix of local and Italian wines on display….so many to choose from next door at the Italian Providore & Bottega


Fact and Fiction


Casa Dolce Casa