Because I Want To

“And while the paths and outcomes of creative living will vary wildly from person to person, I can guarantee you this:  A creative life is an amplified life.  It’s a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life”.  

Big Magic:  Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Even though it is courage by fire, this is why I am creating the podcast and making it happen.  So many ideas and the love of creating something new and fresh to spin my life around, add more zest I say.  


And I am sharing this photo since the Guru in it in the corner whom is blessing me with his presence.  Yes please.  This was our first lunch on recent journey to Italy in Piazza Cavour in Padua in the Veneto region, a great celebration indeed.  

I love how the Guru I am pretty sure photo bombed me.

Taking the time to enjoy the good things in life

Taking the time to enjoy the good things in life

And I was thinking about my penchant for living the good life while traveling in Italy or France or wherever is based on my walk until it hurts philosophy..... When I am there, there is absolutely no resistance, it is all in, hence the long lunches and wine daily routine that will take over.  Croissants, gelato, whatever I enjoy it, when in Rome.  
And I love to walk everywhere bumping into spontaneity and life as it happens.  When I am home I have my routines and eating style that works for me, it is all a bit normal and more subdued but when I am away, the local specialities, wines, etc I am up for it, fill it up and salute.....

“France and Italy always energised and refreshed me”  -  Stephanie Alexander The Cooks Life

Making a lunch date with myself just to stop and remember why I started all of this….

Making a lunch date with myself just to stop and remember why I started all of this….


Because I want to is a reference to the Orvieto Episode of A Writer In Italy Podcast, Episode 3.  It’s a great way to take more of life in, no resistance and yes to more.


Kitchen Notes


Incubation and lone wolves