Menerbes, Bonnieux, Luberon Michelle Johnston Menerbes, Bonnieux, Luberon Michelle Johnston

Episode 39: The Luberon: Place of Beauty and Stone

This weeks share is a day driving through the region of the Luberon Mountains in Provence. A visit to Menerbes, the place of truffle and vin. We enter the tree lined village to marvel at the plane trees and to wander the paths and streets of the medieval village. The views are magnificent from this grand location. It is a day of beauty and vision taking in the rural atmosphere of cherry orchards and vines that are waiting to unfurl, and scenic drives in Lacoste, Bonnieux and Apt. A beautiful prelude to the days ahead before the family catch the TGV to Paris for the finale of the journey from Padova Italy to Paris, France.

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Côte d”Azur, French Riviera Michelle Johnston Côte d”Azur, French Riviera Michelle Johnston

Episode 37: French Appetites and Pleasures on the Riviera…Antibes, Cannes, MFK Fisher

At 4.58 we carefully motor along Rue de la Verrerie and what a scene it is, the clouds are floating above the mountain regions beyond Cannes, the sea is still, the light is glazed with a pearlescent shine. The sun cracks through the clouds here and there, lighting up the whole coastline, it is magnificent, just magnificent. We see parking on the side of Boulevard du Midi Louise Moreau, we are looking ahead to see the seaside and the people wandering along the side of the road on a promenade of sorts…..

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