Episode 10: Amalfi Continued....Walking adventures in Positano, Minori and Real Life

Welcome to Episode #10 Amalfi, Campania and the joys and discoveries up in the terraced hillside of Pogerolo.......

Certainly this recent podcast had me juggling the creative life and the realities of living in Australia at the end of 2019.  However, I was more than happy to share the days in Amalfi and pages from my book  ‘In the Shadow of a Cypress’ in podcast land.....
Amalfi was a collection of rich moments.  The architecture, the history, the location, the sea and the shades of colourful umbrellas on the beach at Positano captured my spirit.  Moments only a traveler who is open to a little coastal magic can have.  
For some strange reason it wasn't as easy as I expected it to be, but that is travel at its heart.  Saying that, my memories are good and I loved getting a little perspective on the landscape and the seaside for myself.  

Captured this wandering the town of Amalfi, Province of Salerno

Captured this wandering the town of Amalfi, Province of Salerno

Wandering about into streets and places unknown with a camera in hand is a beautiful way to spend a day no matter the mood or the weather.  It is always in the looking back you notice little details that remind how the cypress swayed and loomed large on that first night walking up to the village searching for food and a few supplies to keep one going.

Beachside Positano Style / Michelle Johnston

Beachside Positano Style / Michelle Johnston

Taking photos of these details and writing the many little moments in my journal opens a flood gate years later.  I know one hundred percent I wouldn't recollect much without these tools.  And lastly there is something so right about sitting down with my journal and a pen to capture a moment that is happening and wants to reveal itself on the page.  My last days on the Costiera Amalfitana gave me armfuls of moments to hang onto......

The beauty of Minori in its eroding patina still captured my heart, what a place by the sea / Michelle Johnston

The beauty of Minori in its eroding patina still captured my heart, what a place by the sea / Michelle Johnston


Two Greedy Italians - Season 1 - Episode 2 “Poor Man’s Food” with Gennaro Contaldo and Antonio Carluccio

Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything by Elizabeth Gilbert (Audible)

Cinema Paradiso - 1988 (Film) quote for the Rome chapter

The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Do The Work by Steven Pressfield......
(my mention to ‘behave like a Pro’ comes from reading and listening to talks and books by Stephen Pressfield that help deal with the level of resistance we have to the creativity out of basic fear etc.)

My little hilly retreat up in Pogerolo amongst the wild vines and beautiful scenery down to the sea / Michelle Johnston

My little hilly retreat up in Pogerolo amongst the wild vines and beautiful scenery down to the sea / Michelle Johnston

Copyright 2021........... Michelle Johnston 

All Artwork and Podcast Material


Episode 11: Rome: “If you have no faith in me, have faith in what you see” (Cinema Paradiso)


Episode 09: Amalfi, “There’s nothing like a fountain and a magnum of French champagne to put you right again” - Under the Tuscan sun (film)