Episode 106: An Italian Farmhouse and a Book - 'Pinch Me' with Barbara Boyle

Welcome to Episode #106,

Barbara shares her book ‘Pinch Me - Waking up in a 300-Year-Old Italian Farmhouse’ and the tale of traveling from France to Piemonte to discover the region of the Langhe, the place she would fall in love with, buy an old farmhouse and begin a grand restoration process. Barbara and her husband Kim made a life in Italy, following the pull, the irrational desire to create something special for them to enjoy in their retirement and live for an extended time in Italy.

I love these stories about people making the leap into new territory, buying a home, learning the language, living another kind of life. It is very possible to do that and it speaks to living the Italian dream and giving it a go.


Pinch Me - Waking up in a 300-Year-Old Italian Farmhouse by Barbara Boyle

Visit Barbara’s Substack - Letters from a 300 year old farmhouse

Barbara’s Website for More!

Barbara’s Instagram

This is the story of how my husband and I leave our busy and familiar lives behind in San Francisco and begin taking apart a 300-year-old stone barn to build a new home, a new life, in Italy. It is a story filled with discoveries, disappointments, pleasures, frustrations, and triumphs. And given the gastronomic excellence of the region, I would be remiss if I did not share a few recipes as well. In the end, it proves to be a journey that allows me to see the world, as well as myself, through a different window; a memoir filled with food, friendships, and scenes of Italy, of love and of the powerful joy that comes from building a dream - Barbara Boyle


Episode 107: Tabula Rasa - Tips & Tricks to Start Writing that Book (or keep going)!


Episode 105: The Art of Creative Living & Life Lessons